
Uncovering the Science: Exploring the Versatile Applications of Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analyzer in Protein Analysis

Uncovering the Science: Exploring the Versatile Applications of Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analyzer in Protein Analysis

February 22, 2023

Nitrogen content is a key indicator to distinguish protein from other organic compounds, so in order to determine the protein content, it is necessary to use precision instruments to measure the nitrogen content in the sample. Innova Kjeldahl nitrogen analyzer is a high-precision automated tool that can measure the nitrogen content in a sample and calculate the protein content using the principle of constant nitrogen content in protein.

How to determine protein content?

To determine the protein content, the organic compound sample containing protein is heated and digested with concentrated sulfuric acid and a catalyst in a test tube to decompose the protein. The ammonium ion produced combines with the sulfate ion to form ammonium sulfate. This compound then dissociates into ammonia gas through alkaline distillation, which is then absorbed by boric acid and titrated with a known concentration of hydrochloric acid titrant. The protein content is obtained by multiplying the consumption of acid by the conversion coefficient.


Based on the above methods, INOK1160 Automatic Kjeldahl Protein/Nitrogen Analyzer can provide users with intelligence, efficiency, energy saving, and data sharing solutions in nitrogen or protein determination of medic, agriculture, environmental monitoring, quality supervision, etc.

What makes the Innova INOK1160 Automatic Kjeldahl Protein/Nitrogen Analyzer the ideal solution for protein analysis?

1. Automation, fully automatic distillation, titration, fault self-test, calculation, printing, and waste disposal, and can be paired with a 24-position autosampler for true unattended operation, making the whole experiment process simple and efficient.

2. Compliance with FDA 21CFR Part 11 and GMP. It has functions of authorization management, account management, audit trail, password-aging, editing protection, etc.

3. High accuracy, burette accuracy can be adjusted from 0.2 to 1μL/Step.


4. K1160 adopts new metal condensing unit, ultra high efficiency for condensing, saving up to 50% water.

5. 24-position autosampler with full program processing, no manual guard, saving human resource cost.

6. Distillation and titration in real time, variable speed titration technology, reducing experiment time up to 30%.


Auxiliary facilities for Innova Kjeldahl Analyzer

Innova also provides additional auxiliary facilities, including the INOEA402 Exhausting Absorption System for environment protection, the INO22F Kjeldahl Digestor for efficient sample digestion in various industries, and the AGH03 Acid Gas Collection Hood  with advanced high-temperature infrared radiation heating technology and a microprocessor control platform.

Innova offers a large variety of lab equipment and has been committed to delivering the highest quality lab equipment to medical device companies and laboratories worldwide. To learn more, visit our website, or contact us via
