
Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer

IEDX 4500
IEDX 4500

Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer

IEDX 4500 Spectrometer utilizes XRF testing principle toreallize rapid , accurate and nondestructive analysis on allkinds of elements.IEDX 4500 Spectrometer has its unique advantagein on-the-spot sample anallysis during smelting and steelproducts component analysis in steel companies.


·High efficient ultrathin X-ray tube;

·Latest digital multi-channel technology with counting rate reaching 40000/S and analyzing timereduced within 30s (under non-vacuum condition);

Silicon drift detector with excellent energy linearity, energy resolution and energy spectrumcharacteristics , as well as higher peak-to-background ratio;

·Lan interface controll makes commutation more reliable

·Instrument's patented product-Signal-Noise-Enhancer(SNE) improves the signal processingability by up to 25 times;

·Through intelligent pumping vacuum system, low energy X-ray has good excitation effect on lightelements;

·Automatically switch between 8 collimators and 5 optical filters as required.,exempting from trouble ofmanual operation;

·Speciall accessory for measurement in steel indusfryln-builn camera with high resollution;

90mm×70mmLCD clearly displays the important parameters (tube voltage, tube current, vacuum) ofthe vacuum pump.


ModelIEDX 4500
Detection RangeMg ~U
Analyzing range of element contentppm—99.99% (range varies from elements)
Ability of simultaneous anallysisanallyzing dozens of elements sirmultaneously
Analysis accuracy0.05%(sample with content above 96%, test stability for 21 times)
Test time 60s to 200s
Energy resolution of detector145±5ev
High voltage5KV-50KV
Tube current1mA
State of testing object powder, solid,liquid
lnput voltageAC 220V(optional: 110V)
Ambient temperature15℃-30℃
Amnbient humidity 35%一70%
Volume of sample chamber320mm×100nm



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