
Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry


Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

The mass spectrum of the INO-GC-MS 900 uses a new ion source with ADVIS patented technology, which provides high sensitivity while enhancing resistance to contamination. Gas chromatography adopts AFC gas path control system with fast and accurate temperature control system to provide effective guarantee for stable repeatability. The stable and reliable gas phase and sensitive and durable mass spectrometry allow the instrument to achieve more sensitive, faster and more convenient separation analysis.

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1.Fast Tune:

Fast tune is an automated and fast procedure to correct the ion beam in the ion source, to keep the ion source parts clean and functional for long time.

Direct Probe System (DPS)Chromatec DPS solutions provide direct

introduction of sampl es into MSpionsource without pre-separations in GC.

2.Chromatec developed high-end DPSsolutionwithunique benefits:

Samples are introduced directly in thelonization Chamber for increasing thesensitivity andthe analysis speed

Minimized heating element for smoothand fastheating of samples

Two types of sample introduction: DIP(Direct Insertion Probe) and DEP (DirectExposureProbe)

Switching between El and Cl modeswithout ventingtheMSD

3.Easy accessibility:

Chromatec designs mass spectrometersin concem for easy services and totalaccessibility to all parts to provideminimal efforts fromoperators.

The side door is applied in the design toachieve comfortable routinely disassem-bling and assembling of the main partsforcleaningandmaintenance.


Pesticides Analysis

Chromatec Crystal MSD offers high sensitivity for the applications where the level of detection is the key factor. 

Drug Analysis

High confidence and reliability are the main requirements for all forensic applications. 

Crystal MSD is ready for this challenge by offering high sensitivity and stable GC-MS systems to meet all demands in thelaboratory.

