
Mini Real-time PCR System IRTP 16

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Mini Real-time PCR System IRTP 16

Designed for rapid nucleic acid testing needs in applied fields such as clinical, food, environmental and research. It is supported by highly-sensitive fluorescence measurements made in real-time. It can detect 16 samples at the same time, and the standard configuration is FAM/SYBR, VIC two-color fluorescence channels. ROX and Cy5 fluorescence channels are optional. It is light & compact and supports stand-alone operations, with 7-inch color touch screen display for results. The instrument adopts innovative liquid cycle refrigeration technology combined with peltier temperature control technology to achieve rapid heating and cooling. It offers CT value analysis, absolute quantitative analysis, supports isothermal amplification and end point analysis (customizable).

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Main Features:

On board software with large screen panel for ease of use: 7-inch color touch screen shows all parameters, test results and real time testing curve.

Portable and light : the weight is only 4kg. It can be used with vehicle power supply for immediate onsite detection.

Ultra-fast temperature control system: unique liquid circulation refrigeration, Variable temperature rate up to 6 /s.

Sensitive and efficient optical signal detection system, multi-channel fluorescence without crosstalk: based on unique Fresnel lens, high-efficiency

PMT and maintenance-free LED. 16-hole scanning takes only 1s. Compatible with 0.2mL PCR clear tubes or eight strips, can measure 16 samples at the same time.

Software functions can be customized.

4G data memory. Testing results can be exported with USB or printed.



Three models for your choice:
Accurate96-T: Touch screen with ultra-fast temperature control system.
Accurate96-i: Touch screen with isothermal function, for customized needs of reagent manufacturer.
Accurate96-S: Controlled by external labtop and software, can be customized with dedicated test kits.
Technical ParametersAccurate16-TAccurate16-IAccurate16-S
Sample capacity2 8 0.2ml tube/strips clear
Reaction volume10-50 l
Touch screenYESYESNO
Thermal cycle technologyPeltier, liquid circulation
Heating filmPeltier, liquid circulation
Max. Heating/Cooling rate6.0 °C/s
6.0 °C/s
Heating temperature range4 – 100 °CRoom temperature-80°C4 – 100 °C
Temperature accuracy±0.2°C±0.2°C±0.2°C
Temperature uniformity±0.2℃ @60℃ ±0.3℃ @95℃±0.2°C±0.2℃ @60℃ ±0.3℃ @95℃
Excitation light sourceMonochrome high efficiency LED
Detection devicePMT
Detection modeFast hole-by-hole scanning
Fluorescent channelsStandard FAM/ SYBR, VIC/HEX/ TET Optional ROX CY5/TAMRA
SensitivitySingle copy gene
Dynamic range10 orders of magnitude copies
Analysis modeCT value analysis, absolute quantitative analysis
Dimension [W×D×H]220 275 100 mm
Power Supply100-240V or Optional 12V, 10A mobile power
* For research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures.


Innova Mini QPCR IRTP16 Brochure

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