
6N Argon Purifier


6N Argon Purifier

The principle of argon purifier is to use the properties ofzirconium alloy adsorbents that can react with impurities such as oxygen,nitrogen, water, carbon dioxide, and hydrocarbons at high temperatures togenerate stable compounds or solid solutions, in order to remove the above-mentioned impurities from inert gases such as argon,helium,neon,andxenon, and achieve the purpose of purification. The purified high-purity gashas been widely used in the analysis and scientific research of industriessuch as semiconductors,electronics,metallurgy,lithium batterymanufacturing,and optical fibers.Zirconium alloy adsorbents can not onlyremove more active impurities such as Oz at high temperatures, but also inert.impurities such as N2.

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1. Simple operation: reasonable and optimized structure.

2. High purity: Ordinary argon can be purified to 99.9999%, to meet the strict scientific research and industrial needs.

3. Low maintenance cost: Due to high catalyst activity, large adsorption capacity and low operating temperature, the equipment runs stably, has high reliability and has low maintenance cost.

4. Renewable use: The equipment can be used for a long time through repeated regeneration, and the regeneration process uses its own gas purging, without the use of hydrogen, and there is no safety risk.


Raw gas requirements ≥ 99.9% general bottled pure argon, liquid argon, bottled helium; O2<200ppm;  H2O<1000ppm,N2≤100PPm
Output pure gas ≥99.9999% O2≤0.2PPm; H2O≤1PPm(i.e., dew point ≤-76℃); N 0.5 PPm or less; CO + CO2 0.1 PPm or less; Number of dust particles (≥ 0.3um) 3-5 / L;
Working pressure 0-1.0MPa
Processing gas volume0-4Nm3/h


Laboratory Gas Generator

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